Karin Francis

Registered Psychotherapist

I am a Registered Psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience supporting diverse individuals in various settings.  I am also the dedicated parent of a special needs child and a passionate supporter of other mothers and parents who are parenting children with exceptionalities – be it developmental, medical or mental health.

I know firsthand how complicated and overwhelming it can be to be a special needs parent. I also know that, with support, we can thrive as individuals and as parents while also helping our children to live their best lives.

My approach is holistic, trauma informed and non-judgemental and I will work with you in the ways that feel best for you.  I am also particularly interested in the nervous system and how we can use simple, science-based strategies to soothe chronic stress and bring you from reactivity and fear to feeling safe and peaceful-even when your life feels overwhelming.

I will help you to navigate systems, process your grief, and reimagine hope.  I will also support you to increase your own sense of wellness, find realistic ways to manage your stress and strengthen your relationships with others. It is possible to live a full and meaningful life as a special needs parent and I am here to support you through all of it.