Mike DeBruyn

Child & Parent Education Advocate

Mike is a retired educator from the Grand Erie District School Board. During my career, I was a classroom teacher, special self-contained classroom teacher, learning resource teacher, special education consultant, vice principal, and principal.

Through all of those roles, my passion has always been Special Education, supporting parents and families from initial school contact through the identification (I.P.R.C.) process. School is second only to family for contact time with your child. Assisting parents to be equal partners in decision making and programming for their child in a school setting is how I believe I can help.

My experience with the educational processes can help you navigate those systems towards better outcomes for your child. It is always a goal to obtain win-win solutions (Covey) through effective communication, shared vision, and team collaboration, maintaining focus on the best interests of the child. I am excited for the opportunity to bring my experience and knowledge in this area to an advocacy role for children, youth, and parents.