Mental Health & Autism

Our greatest reward is watching the progress of your child

We know that living with autism may prove to have its challenges requiring special care and attention. Each child who comes to us is unique. There is no one size fits all solution.

We want to help you and your child navigate a world with autism. We will work with you to develop an individualized program that fits your busy lives while meeting your child’s needs. We work with children of all ages and levels of development.

Our greatest reward is watching the progress of your child. It’s why we are in this field and nothing makes us more proud than to be part of the success.

Results are everything to us.

Child Counselling

Our therapists provide a safe, caring, and confidential environment where you can explore feelings, thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs. Through personal interaction and goal setting, our therapist will help you and your child achieve your goals for change, and personal health and wellness.

Behavioural Therapy

ABA therapy is an evidence-based treatment proven effective for children with autism. The goal of ABA therapy is to teach your child HOW to learn. Skills are taught systematically and with repetition. Through teaching core skills across different areas of development, your child will learn to better engage in life and adapt to challenges.

Parent Involvement sessions are an important aspect of all of our services. We will work with you to help you support your child’s learning outside of ABA sessions.

Check out the FAQ’s on our behavioural therapy options!

Speech Therapy Services

The SLP will decide which assessments to administer to the client based on the information collected during the interview. During the assessment period, the child will participate in play activities and give verbal/gestural responses to the SLP’s requests and pictures. Some of these activities will be highly structured, whereas other activities will be less structured. The SLP will also record their observations of the client’s communication during these activities. After the assessment period is completed, the SLP will share the results of the assessments with the caregiver(s) and both parties will agree on appropriate treatment goals for the client.

Check out the FAQ’s on our speech therapy options!

Social Skills Groups

Social skills groups are small groups (typically two to eight kids) led by an adult who teaches the kids how to interact appropriately with others their age. They can help kids learn conversational, friendship, and problem-solving skills.

Equine Therapy

Equine-assisted learning incorporates horses into the therapeutic process. People engage in activities such as grooming, feeding, and leading a horse while being supervised by a mental health professional.

Equine therapy offers the client ways to develop skills such as emotional regulation, self-confidence, and responsibility. Equine therapy has shown to be an effective treatment for individuals experiencing challenges such as trauma, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more.

Equine therapy offers them a therapeutic environment that can feel less threatening and more inviting than a traditional talk therapy office. The majority of children participating in EAL are between the ages of 6 to 18 years old. Equine therapy is often not the sole form of treatment, but rather a complementary therapeutic service to be used in partnership with more traditional treatment.

Psychology Services

Psychologists deal specifically with assessments and diagnosis for their clients. They administer a variety of tests and take time talking through your symptoms and experiences. They then analyze the results and compile a report of their findings and diagnosis. This process can take upwards of 15-20 hours.

These are just a few of the areas of focus:

  • Child Psychology
  • Adult Psychology
  • Educational Psychology

Some Psychologists focus on trauma, others on personality disorders etc. It is important to do your research and find a Psychologist that has experience with what you are going through. Many Psychologists also incorporate counselling into their practice, but none of them are allowed to prescribe medication. Some Psychologists focus on trauma, others on personality disorders etc. It is important to do your research and find a Psychologist that has experience with what you are going through. Many Psychologists also incorporate counselling into their practice, but none of them are allowed to prescribe medication.

Education Support

Students will receive so much more than an ordinary education. We pride ourselves on creating a unique, exciting environment that embraces all types of learners and promotes growth both academically and personally. Students and families are also welcomed into a dynamic and supportive community.

Vocational Services

We can help provide tools, guidance, and support for our clients looking to succeed in the workplace environment. We will work with you to help explore your personality and job aptitude, as well as resume and interview prep.

Teens & Adolescents

Our therapists provide a safe, caring, and confidential environment where you can explore feelings, thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs. Through personal interaction and goal setting, our therapist will help you and your child achieve your goals for change, and personal health and wellness.

We can provide 1:1 support, group workshops, and more!


Parent & Family Counselling

Family therapy can help you improve troubled relationships with your partner, children or other family members. Some of the many reasons people seek family support include the following:

  1. In the case of divorce or separation to make sure the child(ren) are given appropriate support as the family navigates changes.
  2. In the case of re-marriage or blending two families so that new, fragile relationships can be supported.
  3. If there is a lot of conflict between parents and/or siblings.
  4. If someone in the family is dealing with a diagnosis related to their physical health or mental health and everyone needs to learn how to process and adapt to potential changes.

Whilst many of us think of parents and young children in family counselling, we are able to help parents and their adult children communicate better, grandparents build better relationships with their families and adult siblings learn to communicate better.

The purpose of family counselling is to improve communication skills. provide skills for coping with challenging situations and to offer new insight and understanding.

Creative Camps & Art Groups

Try new things, develop your creative skills, and make new friends. Our fun and creative art camps are led by local artists and are filled with a variety of exciting new experiences.

Support for Parents & Caregivers

When a child faces mental health issues, it can be very challenging for a family to cope. But our organization is here to offer help.

We can help support parents and caregivers who have faced challenging times with their child/children. We can provide information, education, and emotional support.

Education Advocacy

School is second only to family for contact time with your child. Assisting parents to be equal partners in decision making and programming for their child in a school setting is something we can help with. Mike DeBruyn’s experience with the educational processes can help you navigate those systems towards better outcomes for your child.

It is always a goal to obtain win-win solutions (Covey) through effective communication, shared vision, and team collaboration, maintaining focus on the best interests of the child. His passion has always been Special Education, supporting parents and families from initial school contact through the identification (I.P.R.C.) process.