How To Enhance Your Results When Seeing a Chiropractor

Your Content Goes Here If you are someone you know is currently undergoing Chiropractic care for an injury or general wellness, there are several things you can do to enhance the results you experience. This article will outline 7 things to keep in mind in order to get the most out of your chiropractic care. 1. Keep Your Appointments – Each visit builds on the ones before. Your visit schedule creates the momentum required to produce spinal changes. This is simply how chiropractic works and those who miss appointments or don’t follow the recommendations, typically take longer to see progress. Reduce Stress – Increase your awareness of physical, emotional and chemical stress and do what you can to diminish your exposure. Emotional stress can cause physical changes in your body such as tight muscles. Physical stress from working or lifting too much can cause strain and wear and tear that leads to spinal issues.  When you are undergoing chiropractic care, be sure to reduce these stressors as they can set you back quickly.  Chemical stressors come from the food and drink we consume as well as smoking.  Eating healthy can reduce inflammation which in turn will help decrease pain. Lift Properly – Avoid slouching and become mindful of your posture, as poor posture can put enormous amounts of strain on your spine. Stand tall and bend at the knees while you lift in order reduce wear and tear on your back. This is especially important if you have a physical job. Be sure to stretch and take breaks throughout your day to reduce the load on your spine. Nourish Your Body – Improve your nutrition and drink sufficient amounts of water. Make sure your body has the resources it needs for healing. Get rid of sugar and processed foods from your diet to reduce inflammation, this can have a dramatic effect on pain levels. Become More Active – As you are able become more active. Brisk walking, swimming or other simple exercises can go a long way. Also, be sure to follow your doctors’ instructions on exercise and stretches. During your course of care, exercises should be introduced in order to help your muscles and joints heal properly. Get Proper Rest – Get adequate rest each night. Deep, restful sleep allows your body to make needed repairs and recover from stress. Be sure to remove your phone your bedroom while you sleep and reduce screen usage before bed time. Remain Optimistic – Expect improvement and remain hopeful. Chiropractic can take time to have its desired effect but a positive outlook aids the healing process. Dr. Spenser Dougley DC, FR, FRCms

How To Enhance Your Results When Seeing a Chiropractor2024-11-18T16:06:42-05:00

Hormone Health and Nutrition

Your Content Goes Here What Are Hormones? Hormones are chemical messages within the body that play many roles in how the body functions. Hormones control: Reproduction: Digestion, Metabolism, Emotions, Hunger and satiety. What Happens When Our Hormones Are Out Of Balance? When our hormones are out of balance, all or any of these areas may not work as efficiently. Hormone imbalance can make us: Anxious, Emotional, Hungry with cravings, Bloated, Low on energy, Moody, Unable to concentrate, Experience headaches or muscle/joint aches. It can also cause: Weight gain, Digestive issues, Fertility issues, Peri-menopause/menopause symptoms, Skin issues, Under-nutrition and other imbalances depending on your sex and stage of life. The good news is nutrition and lifestyle can play a huge role in hormone balance. We don’t have to accept all these symptoms as being a normal part of life. We can take an active role in bringing back balance to our hormones so that we feel well and energetic, rather than tired and unmotivated. Depending on the stage of life, hormones can influence our bodies in different ways. With these life stages, hormone imbalance may cause different symptoms. Stages of puberty, fertility/reproductive years and menopause can cause hormone fluctuations but we can utilize nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress control, to maintain a healthy hormone balance. Men may not feel these stages the same as women but they can also have symptoms that can affect their overall well being. How Can I Work On Balancing My Hormones? Stress Management: Stress can make many systems in our body work harder and over time, these systems become fatigued and lead to hormone imbalances. Eat a diet that includes a variety of vegetables and fruit, along with moderate amounts of protein and fat. These foods in adequate amounts will help your body handle daily stress. Additionally, look at your lifestyle and what is causing you stress and try to find ways to decrease stress. Make a constant effort to give your body and brain a break from stress. For some stress release might be taking a hike, others maybe it is getting lost in a good book or for others going for a scenic drive. Minimizing stress can play a huge role in overall well-being and management of hormonal symptoms. Blood Sugar Balance: Pay attention to blood sugar levels. Overindulging in sweets, skipping meals, not eating a balanced diet, working out too hard or poor stress management can all raise blood sugar levels. High blood sugar causes many hormones to work harder, once again adding to hormone imbalance. Eating a whole food diet with three meals a day with adequate protein and healthy fats can play a huge role in blood sugar balance. Look at ways to detox excess hormones out of your body: Processed foods and environmental toxins can expose us to hormones that our body does not need and that will do much more harm than good. Focusing on foods and nutrients that can help the body daily [...]

Hormone Health and Nutrition2024-11-06T14:52:51-05:00

Working With a Metabolic Oncology Nutrition Consultant

Your Content Goes Here Looking at current cancer rates, it can be scary when you hear at least one in three people are expected to get cancer in their lifetime. With that being said, we can all take an active role in cancer prevention and use nutrition to fight this disease so we can look towards positive outcomes. That is where a Metabolic Oncology Nutrition Consultant comes in. How Does Metabolic Oncology Nutrition Work? The process starts with using diet, specific foods and eating plans to enhance one’s ability to prevent cancer. It can also utilize good nutrition alongside cancer treatments to promote quality of life by decreasing side effects and improving treatment outcomes. A Metabolic Oncology Consultant will also work with clients post treatment to assist with healing and set the body up for good health in the years to come. What Will My Plan Look Like? Because every person is different and every situation is unique, an individual plan is made up based on: Client goals, Type of cancer, If cancer is active/what stage it is at, Treatments, Likes/dislikes, Lifestyle factors, Genetics. As these factors change, the plan adapts along with these changes to ensure the client’s needs are being met. Foods/supplements recommended are science based and will take all factors into consideration, as we focus on creating a plan that will include nutrients the body requires to function and thrive. Final Thoughts: Metabolic Oncology Nutrition isn’t meant to diagnose, treat or cure cancer. It can however be used to accompany treatment, as an enhancement or to compliment other treatments offered. It can also be used as a stand alone means of developing a diet that promotes cancer prevention. If you are interested in learning more about how Tammy can support you through nutrition, reach out to our office at 519.751.0728 or email

Working With a Metabolic Oncology Nutrition Consultant2024-11-06T14:48:08-05:00

Getting Winter Ready with Good Nutrition

Your Content Goes Here For many of us, winter is not our favourite season. The shorter, dark days and cold weather can cause us to neglect our physical and mental health. One of the main things many of us struggle with during the winter is making good choices when it comes to our nutrition. As local fruits and vegetables become harder to source and we seek comfort in treats as we “hibernate” we can find ourselves feeling sluggish and struggling with frequent colds. Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Tammy, shares these tips as we head into the winter season.   Enjoy nourishing meals with fall vegetables: As the temperature gets cooler, we often start to crave foods that are comforting and warming. This is a great time to enjoy nourishing meals filled with all the fall vegetables that are still available locally. Soups, stews or dishes made with vegetables like sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, cabbage or kale are great options to get loads of nutrients that will leave you feeling satisfied.   Find immune boosting foods: With cold weather approaching, along comes cold and flu season. Keep your immune system in good shape with foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially, Vitamin C, and Zinc. A great way to do this is by making a homemade bone broth. Cooking chicken or beef bones with vegetables/spices (onions, garlic, carrots, leak, kale, fresh ginger and turmeric, etc) in a slow cooker for 24-48 hours is a great way to create a vitamin and mineral rich broth that can be drank “as is” to boost immunity or in a soup or stew to help get over a sore throat or runny nose. **Additional tip: Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to help break down the minerals in the bones.**   Use spices you have on hand: Our top spices/herbs to add to your meals to boost your immunity and keep you warm during the winter season: garlic, oregano, basil, onion, turmeric, cinnamon, rosemary - the list can go on but these are commonly found in most spice cupboards. Not only can they add flavour to your food but they may also boost your immune system with their antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial properties.   Focus more on nutrition than weight: During cold weather, especially if it lasts for months, our body may be more opt to hold on to weight as it works to keep us warm. Don’t let this be a stress, as Spring is also a natural time for our body to crave lighter foods and release any weight gain. So nourish your body with warming foods, protein rich meals (warm vegetables with meat, eggs or fish) as well as healthy fats (olive oil, coconut oil, butter, nuts, seeds, etc). This will keep you feeling satisfied, will help reduce cravings for sugary/salty snacks along with improving your mood on those long, dark days.   Don’t neglect being outside:  Vitamin D is so important year round, but especially in [...]

Getting Winter Ready with Good Nutrition2024-10-24T11:14:57-04:00

Jaw Pain – What To Do When It Strikes

Your Content Goes Here Jaw pain, also known as TMJD (Temporomandibular Dysfunction) is quite common.  It can present as pain in the jaw while chewing, clicking or cracking of the jaw with chewing and yawning, or as constant pain, especially at night, while clenching the jaw.  In fact, clenching is the number one cause of TMJD.  Injuries to the face as well as neck dysfunction (tight muscles and stiff joints) can also lead to TMJD.  Whatever the reason, the good news is there are solutions.  One of the best techniques for TMJD is Functional Range Release.  This is a muscle release technique that some chiropractors use in their offices.  We will discuss this further in the article, but first let’s talk about things you can try at home to help with TMJD. Stretch Your Neck and Jaw The jaw and the muscles that control its actions are unique because they must operate in sync with one another for your jaw to open and close properly.  This can easily become problematic and one of the first areas that needs to be addressed.  Simple jaw exercises and stretches can go a long way to help ease the build up of tension in the jaw and this will help ease the pain associated with TMJD. The following video, demonstrates some of the best exercises you can try at home for TMJD. Wear a Mouth Guard If you find that you are clenching your jaw at night, it might be time to consider wearing a mouth guard.  Clenching is the number one cause of TMJD and if not addressed, can lead to chronic TMJ problems and even dental issues. Speak to your dentist if you think you might be clenching at night and have a mouth guard properly fitted. Apply Heat In addition to stretching and exercising your TMJ, using heat application can also help ease pain and loosen tight muscles.  Apply heat to the side of your face and jaw for 10-15 minutes at a time.  This can be done to both sides or just the affected side.  Alternatively, if you are experiencing a sharp, more acute type of pain, then follow the above instructions but use ice instead of heat.  Ice helps calm down inflammation and can help ease pain. See a Chiropractor A Chiropractor, especially one trained in Functional Range Release like Dr. Spenser, can provide safe and effective treatment for your TMJD.  A Chiropractor will always begin by carefully examining the affected area and will also look at your cervical spine or neck to see if that is contributing to your TMJD.  The best treatment approach will be chosen based on the outcome of the exam and discussed with you before proceeding. If you feel you may benefit from seeing a Chiropractor but still have questions, you can always reach out to our office and book a free 15-minute consultation.   During this time our doctor will discuss the best options for you and answer [...]

Jaw Pain – What To Do When It Strikes2024-10-22T10:26:48-04:00

Stop The Pain Before It Starts – How To Avoid Aches and Pains While Raking

Your Content Goes Here As the weather turns colder, and leaves start to fall, many of us are faced with a rather large clean up task.  Although fall leaves can be beautiful, they also create a huge mess, and some people dread this time of year because they must spend hours raking and cleaning up leaves, leaving them sore and tired.  But this task doesn’t have to lead to pain if you implement the ideas we will present in this article.  The following are a few tips you can try to avoid the ache while you rake! Take Frequent Breaks Raking leaves can cause back pain and shoulder pain because our bodies are not used to performing this activity on a regular basis. This is why it is important to take frequent breaks when raking and cleaning up large piles of leaves.  During your break, you could do some light stretching, sit down, rehydrate or go do something that is not as strenuous.  Cleaning up your leaves little by little each week as they fall also prevents you from having to clean up large piles of leaves and makes the job easier on your body. While raking, it is important to switch sides that you use to rake with, take a break from raking in the same direction and rake in the other direction.  This will reduce shoulder strain and balance the activity to both sides of the body. Bend and Lift Properly Try to find tools that can help you lift the leaves easier into the barrel, rather than bending over and scooping them up in your arms.  A small plastic shovel and a rake can act like prongs to pick up large quantities of leaves without having to bend.  This can ease the strain on your lower back and save you from low back pain during the task. If you do have to bend over and lift, be sure to bend at your knees and hips rather than arching your back to bend down.  This method of proper lifting prevents strain on the lower back and will save your spine while cleaning up leaves. Use a Leaf Blower or Lawn Mower If you have access to a leaf blower, consider using one instead of trying to rake.  Leaf blowers are also available to rent from your local Home Depot.  Using one is a lot easier on your body than raking, and once they are blown into a pile, they can be cleaned up easier.  There are also leaf blowers that roll along the ground for huge jobs, making the task almost as easy as pushing a grocery cart. An alternative to raking is using a lawn mower or lawn tractor to mulch the leaves and collect them.  This method is one of the best, because it does not involve picking the leaves up off the ground, saving your lower back.  If you don’t have access to this equipment, borrow it from your neighbor [...]

Stop The Pain Before It Starts – How To Avoid Aches and Pains While Raking2024-10-22T10:22:34-04:00

Infidelity and Healing for an Unfaithful Spouse

Your Content Goes Here In a previous article, we talked about healing for a betrayed spouse. Infidelity leaves a scar on both individuals’ hearts. Two partners are like two sides of the same coin, each with equal importance. In this blog, we will look at healing for an unfaithful spouse and some things for them to consider: Investigate your personal emotions and rationales for having an affair: Consider whether it was an emotional connection, sexual desire, or a contemplative decision based on previous trauma or experience. Examine what was missing in your connection with your spouse and decide whether you can discuss it with them to improve it when both of you are ready. Take your time before making any decisions: Typically, the disclosure of an affair pushes us to either save or end the marriage. Sit with your emotions and acknowledge them. If necessary, get professional assistance to examine and regulate your emotions with coping strategies. Communicate with your partner: If you’ve chosen to end your marriage, communicate with your partner. Communicate your thoughts and show respect to your partner by being open about your actions.Give your partner a secure area to share their feelings. Begin by listening to and observing your partner’s emotions, showing empathy and compassion. Give empathetic validation and your support for healing. Try to be accessible to answer your partner’s questions openly. Observe your partner’s triggers and be prepared to comfort them if any arise, but be mindful to speak in a caring manner rather than simply satisfying your spouse by saying what you think they want to hear. Focus on your healing: If you have decided to stay in the relationship, it is essential that you heal. Acceptance is an important stage in the healing process. Be accountable for your actions. First and foremost, stop all communication with the individual with whom you had an affair. Practice forgiving yourself first and apologizing to your partner. Recognize the emotional distress: It is important to recognize the emotional distress produced by the affair for both you and your partner. The feeling of guilt might be overwhelming. You may repeatedly apologize to your partner, yet you may not receive forgiveness.Discuss each other’s expectations for the healing process. Make persistent attempts to meet each other’s expectations of healing. Spending more quality time with your partner, planning date nights, reminiscing about pleasant experiences with them, highlighting their positive attributes, and recognizing their contributions to the family and relationship will provide security for them. Actions speak louder than words: Try to seize any opportunity to express your affection and empathy. Rebuilding trust is a difficult process especially after an affair. It will require a tremendous commitment from both individuals. Re-establish trust around electronic devices: Electronic devices play a role in today’s time. To rebuild trust, be transparent while making electronic devices available to your partner. To give security, have regular check-ins with your spouse regarding your day. Communicate boundaries with your partner. It is critical [...]

Infidelity and Healing for an Unfaithful Spouse2024-10-01T16:39:11-04:00

World Spine Day

Your Content Goes Here October 16th marks World Spine Day, an annual event recognized as the largest public health initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the global burden of spinal pain and disability. As a chiropractor, I have dedicated my career to helping people manage pain whilst also educating people on how to maintain the health of their spine. The good news is that there are many things we can do from a young age to ensure our spine remains healthy and strong throughout our life. Here are my three top tips for maintaining the health of your spine: Stay Active It is true that sitting is the new smoking.  The majority of society is quite sedentary, especially because many of us have desk jobs.  In order for any joint in your body to stay healthy, it needs to be moved through its full range of motion on a regular basis.  This is especially true of the spine, so when people stay sedentary, their spines lose range of motion and begin to deteriorate early on in life ( usually in their 30s or 40s).  Regular activity is the best antidote for this, and all it takes is 20 - 30 minutes per day of simple stretches, yoga, pilates or swimming.  Even something as simple as walking is great exercise for the low back as long as you walk at a brisk pace with your arms swinging freely. Keep Good Posture The effects of bad posture can range from low back and disc problems to mid back stiffness and headaches.  Neck stiffness and pain are often related to bad posture too, and can become chronic if posture is not corrected.  This is especially important if you work at a desk. Setting up your workstation so that you can look straight ahead at your screen and so that your arms and shoulders can be relaxed as you type on your keyboard are two key factors in preventing bad posture.  It is also important to have a good chair with proper lumbar support.  Most importantly, try to stand up and move around every so often while at work, or even introduce a standing desk into your workstation. I also recently wrote this blog about caring for your spine if your job involved a lot of desk work:  See a Chiropractor It goes without saying that everyone should see a chiropractor if they are serious about maintaining the health of their spine and preventing problems from arising. Chiropractors are trained to detect and correct joint, muscle and nerve problems so that your spine can move the way it was intended to.  They can also work with their patients and instruct them on what exercises to perform and also which exercises to avoid.  Getting adjusted by a chiropractor usually takes 10 minutes or less and is a crucial part of maintaining your spine health and preventing it from deteriorating. It is important to find a chiropractor who will [...]

World Spine Day2024-09-30T11:36:55-04:00

Finding a middle ground or/and respecting different views in your relationship

Your Content Goes Here A relationship involves two people. They may or may not have similar beliefs, opinions, attitudes, thoughts, values, lifestyles, or problem-solving methods. However, it is critical to express, actively listen, process, and appreciate each other’s perspectives. When you are having trouble yet have different approaches to dealing with it, you may get into an argument. Both of you may end up hurting more as a result of the situation and the disputes around it. You’re both disappointed and frustrated that you’re not making any progress. Sitting in a mess and feeling helpless can be unpleasant. You may believe that your partner does not understand you or does not make an effort to do so. You may find yourself feeling more anxious if the environment at home stays heavy. It drains the positive energy and happiness. What can be done to handle it in a different way, while still showing respect and care? Let’s say for example, that you and your partner are in a financial crisis; your mortgage is up for renewal, and interest rates have risen. You want to save more money, while your partner wants to focus on earning more money. There are several factors to consider: Does your partner’s method of dealing with this situation harm or hurt anything? Are you talking and making an effort to comprehend the other person’s point of view, rather than simply arguing and proving your own? Are you expressing your point of view using rationale or emotions? Have you considered your partner’s attachment style? Are you concentrating on the problem and problem solving? Are you both creating a space in which you can both talk and express? In my experience as a couples therapist, the most common thing I see is a couple that fails to focus on the core and foundation. In the example above, both are concerned with money, but they are using different “binoculars” to view the problem, so what should be done? Finding a middle ground is a critical process. But how do we find a medium ground? Clients will share, “My partner simply does not listen.” You answered your question; a lack of listening skill disrupts the communication process. First and foremost, make sure you’re both in the correct headspace while discussing. Consider remaining open-minded and attentive of your partner’s emotions. Remember to examine your partner’s attachment style, as it reflects how you deal with issues. Discuss your points of view, including the rationales and emotions that are attached. Accept that you both have unique personalities and backgrounds. Your perspectives may differ, but the idea is to focus on the challenge and problem solving. Remember to validate your partner, even if your beliefs differ. Then offer your opinion. Maintain attention on the problem and seek a middle ground to reach a resolution. If you are unable to reach an agreement after all discussions, keep an open mind and accept each other’s points of view. Provide compassionate validation for [...]

Finding a middle ground or/and respecting different views in your relationship2024-09-30T10:20:22-04:00

Advice for Home School Families

Your Content Goes Here A growing number of families are choosing to homeschool their children for a range of reasons. Some families choose this option due to their child having special needs, others make the decision so that they can enjoy more time as a family and focus more on their child’s academic and personal strengths. Whatever your reason for choosing this avenue for your child’s education, it can present unique challenges within the family unit. Some families will follow the school year and others will school year round, taking breaks when it suits them as a family, but for those families like ours  who follow the school year, we are gearing up to begin in September after enjoying a relaxing summer break. Whether you home school, un-school or are de-schooling here are some tips for you and your family: If this is your first year homeschooling, or you have been doing it for years, you may struggle with the following:       The socialization question: Many families who homeschool will face questions from family, friends and even strangers with regards to how their children learn social skills being educated at home. This can be an upsetting question to hear depending on how it is approached. Parents, generally speaking, want the best for their children and have already taken this into consideration. The home school community is growing and there are many groups, pods and activities for children to enjoy healthy socialization.  If someone asks you about this aspect, try not to get defensive, be confident in the decision you have made as a family and understand that not everyone is going to understand or support the choices you are making for your family. You know your child better than anyone else and not everyone is going to understand all the reasons behind choosing to educate your child yourself.       Carving out time for yourself and being gentle with yourself: This is made even more challenging if you are homeschooling a child with special needs. It can feel overwhelming to balance educating your child, managing the responsibilities at home, maybe working outside of the home and finding space in your home that is separate for schooling. Some advice would be: - Make sure to surround yourself with positive people who can uplift you on this journey, - Connect with other home school families to learn from them, especially families who have been doing this for longer, - Remember the goal is not to replicate school, homeschooling is unique and can be tailored to your family, if you choose to take time during the week where you aren’t “formally” schooling and spend time enjoying the outdoors or planning fun learning experiences, it can give the whole family a mental break. - Try to take some of the pressure off of yourself. Whilst homeschooling is a big responsibility and your child’s education is extremely important, remember the reasons why you made this choice and [...]

Advice for Home School Families2024-08-20T13:03:07-04:00