How behavioural therapy can help with sensory overload

Your Content Goes Here Many children experience sensory overload, not just those with ASD. If your child is experiencing sensory overload or emotional dysregulation, behavioural therapy can be an effective tool to utilize. Your child and the behavioural therapist might work on areas such as: 1) Coping skills:  This can include practicing deep breathing exercises, asking for a break, asking for help, talking about it. 2) Communicating needs and desires:  We want our children to be able to access what they need/want and express themselves. Ensuring your child has a form of communication should be a priority, however this might look! This may be through vocal speech, but might also be through Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), visual supports, or other communication devices. 3) Identifying and being aware of emotions (of self and of others). 4) Tolerating difficult situations 5) Impulse control and waiting for access to desired items/activities. If you want to learn more please reach out to us at Pathways To Hope by calling 519.751.0728 or emailing and set up a free consultation with one of our behavioural therapists.

How behavioural therapy can help with sensory overload2024-08-22T15:01:21-04:00

All about massage therapy

Your Content Goes Here Massage therapy is a type of manual therapy used to improve a person’s overall health and well-being. Often utilized in response to pain or injury, the kneading or manipulation of muscle and soft tissue has benefits well beyond managing acute pain. What does massage therapy help with? Massage therapy has been practiced around the world for thousands of years and has been shown to help with the following: 1. Providing relief from pain and discomfort 2. It can be a tool to help with pain management for those with chronic pain conditions 3. It can improve flexibility and range of motion 4. It can promote feelings of relaxation 5. It can improve sleep quality 6. It can improve circulation 7. It can reduce swelling after injury/surgery Can massage therapy help my mental health? Whilst a Registered Massage Therapist can never claim to “cure” or “manage” a person’s mental health conditions, studies have shown that “By triggering an involuntary – but expected – relaxation response from the nervous system, massage can produce physical and emotional benefits. This causes your heart and breathing rates to slow down and your blood pressure and stress hormones to decrease, counteracting the negative effects of stress.” Utilizing massage as a self-care practice is also a way to support overall mental health and well-being and manage stress responses better. What are trigger points? If you have ever received a massage, you may have heard your therapist refer to trigger points within your body. These are areas of your body with tension that are sensitive to pressure. Working on these trigger points can often cause referral pain to other areas of the body. For example, a trigger point in your neck that is worked on, may cause referral pain down your arm. Be sure to communicate to your massage therapist any particularly painful areas and let them know if the pressure is too much on those trigger points. What should I do after a massage? Drink lots of water It is important after seeing your massage therapist that you drink plenty of water. One of the reasons your massage therapist will tell you to drink water after your treatment is to help continue the healing process and because the treatment increases circulation within your body, increasing fluid movement which will need to be filtered from your body. You may find you have a slight headache after a massage if you did not properly rehydrate. Gentle stretching It is always good to do some gentle stretching at home or work after your massage appointment. This can help with any pain or soreness felt after the appointment and it also helps your muscles retain their elasticity. Can I get a massage if I am pregnant? Generally speaking, it is safe to get a massage during pregnancy. It is always good to check with your obstetrician and to also seek out a massage therapist with experience treating people during pregnancy. The [...]

All about massage therapy2024-08-22T15:03:57-04:00

How important is posture?

Your Content Goes Here Poor posture is something most of us struggle with, especially in the digital age of tablets, cell phones and laptops. A large part of the population also sits at a desk for their job which can lead to chronic bad posture. Most of us are aware of our bad posture, but how important is it really? Do we fully understand the full effects that chronic bad posture can have on our bodies? This article will outline some of the most important effects of chronic bad posture and then we will discuss how to maintain good posture. Low Back pain Many people don't know this, but bad posture can contribute to low back pain. When the head is in a forward position, sitting in front of the body instead of over top of the shoulders, it actually causes the head to effectively weigh more and thus creates an extra strain on the spine that can lead to problems in the low back. These problems can include disc herniations and sciatica, low back pain, tight and sore spine muscles or degeneration of the joints in the low back and spine. All of these problems, if they already exist, can be improved upon by working on your posture, but of course posture is not the only cause of these types of issues. It is important to get these problems treated by a professional such as a chiropractor or physiotherapist who can also address your posture issues and help correct them. Headaches When your posture is poor it can also place a great deal of stress and strain on your neck. Since our necks are generally more prone to injury and pain, this is where people feel it the most. The neck or cervical spine can also become a source for headaches, since many of the nerves and blood vessels that go to the brain, pass through the neck. The main area that can become tight and restricted with poor posture, is the suboccipital area, or the area right beneath the base of your skull. This area can become incredibly tight and compressed if posture is not maintained properly. There are many more causes of headaches, but this one is quite common. It is important to get your neck looked at if you do have headaches, and chances are your posture will need some work. Mood Posture can have a profound impact on our moods. When we are sad or lonely we tend to hunch forward and move our bodies towards a curled up position. Or even when we don't feel well, we tend to hunch forward and want to just curl up. When we fail to practice good posture, our bodies can become stuck in this position and so can our mood. Someone who is depressed rarely has good posture and if we feel down, sometimes just standing up straight, bringing our shoulders back, and taking a few deep breaths can help improve our [...]

How important is posture?2024-08-22T15:07:41-04:00

What is Food Selectivity or “Picky Eating?”

Your Content Goes Here Food selectivity can be characterized by food refusal, limited repertoire of food, excessive intake of food or certain food categories. Many children often will go through mild feeding or eating problems through their development, however those diagnosed with ASD areat higher rates. When looking at food selectivity, it is important to rule out any medical conditions first. What should be ruled out first? 1. A thorough dental examination should be conducted to determine if there are any hidden problems that may be causing your child pain. Oral hygiene can be a challenge for those diagnosed with ASD which can lead to cavities, root canals, gum infections or other abnormalities. 2. Alongside dental care, medical assessments evaluating oral motor function such as swallowing, food sensitivity/allergies, medications, and more should be assessed. Studies have shown and are not limited to the following factors: Medical conditions such as dental problems, esophageal problems, oral motor function and more Behavioural aspects such as pica (ingesting non-food substances), rumination (regurgitation, re-chewing, re-swallowing or vomiting food), eating disorders and more Sensory aspects such as the feel or touch of food, temperature, texture, smell of food, or even appearance. How to promote healthy eating habits for your child? It is no known secret that children like what they like and will prefer to eat the same things often or for every meal. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies and other health issues. Introducing new foods gradually can help! Placing new food separate from what they enjoy and providing choices with no expectations can help your child try something new. They can get a feel for the texture, smell, or look of the new item being introduced. Also having siblings or family members model eating the food item might get your child to try it! References Cermak, S. A., Curtin, C., & Bandini, L. G. (2010). Food selectivity and sensory sensitivity in children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 110(2), 238–246. Ledford, Jennifer & Gast, David. (2006). Feeding Problems in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders A Review. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 21. 153-166.10.1177/10883576060210030401. Wheeler, M. (n.d.). Mealtime and children on the autism spectrum: Beyond picky, fussy, and fads. Indiana Resource Center for Autism spectrum-beyond-picky-fussy-and-fads.html This blog was written by Behavioural Therapist, Neha. To book a free consultation with Neha, call us at 519.751.0728 or email

What is Food Selectivity or “Picky Eating?”2024-09-12T11:38:08-04:00

Ways to prevent and treat golfing injuries this season

Your Content Goes Here With golfing season in full swing, many people are experiencing the aches and pains that come with this sport. Sometimes it can be a minor inconvenient ache that impacts performance out on the course, or the injury may require the golfer to take time away from the game, thus missing out on the few short months Canadians get to enjoy this sport. In this article we will outline three common areas of injury that golfers experience, discuss how those injuries are treated by a physiotherapist and wrap up by talking about how you can prevent these injuries from happening in the first place. What is the most common area a golfer may experience pain? The most common area of pain that a golfer may experience is back pain. In fact, even if you do not play golf, back pain is one of the most common areas of the body that can get injured. When golfing, the low back area is required to twist or torque during the swing. This frequent twisting on the spine leads to injury because twisting the spine places stress on the weaker structures of the low back. Doing this over and over again throughout a game or practice time can inflame these structures and irritate them, creating a painful experience for the golfer. This is especially true if the golfer has not properly warmed up before the game by stretching. Stretching helps bring blood flow to the area and gets the tissues activated and ready to perform. If someone is experiencing back pain from golf, and stretching or other methods are not making a real difference, it might be time to call a professional, such as a physiotherapist. Physiotherapists will be able to assess, diagnose and properly treat the injury, allowing you to get back on the course quicker. Some of the methods they might use to treat low back pain include: Interferential Current (IFC) IFC can help increase blood flow to the area and reduces inflammation, which is a major cause of most pain that people experience. UltraSound If there is a specific tissue or muscle that has been injured, then Ultrasound can help heal the soft tissue. Cupping Exercise recommendations Once the healing has taken place and the inflammation has died down, exercises and other recommendations will be made, so that the low back pain has a less likely chance of coming back. What are other areas golfers may injure? 1. Shoulders Another common area for golfers to injure is their shoulder. Swinging a club repeatedly or striking the ground during follow through can place great strain on the muscles in the shoulder and cause pain and discomfort. The rotator cuff muscles are often affected, and when they are, it can impact range of motion, sleep and hinder performance on the course. Shoulders are also notorious for getting tight, which is why it is important to stretch the shoulder muscles before a game. If the muscles are loosened up [...]

Ways to prevent and treat golfing injuries this season2024-09-12T11:44:36-04:00

Strategies to Promote Positive Behaviour in the Summer

Your Content Goes Here When school is out and there is a general lack of routine and structure, you might see an increase in your child’s anxiety, tantrums, or other challenging behaviour. It can be difficult to know how to manage this- here are some tips to help! 1. Create a daily routine/schedule for your child! It might look something like: · Wake up · Get dressed/ready for the day · Eat breakfast · Play outside · Eat lunch · Nap or quiet time (books or show for older child) · Go to the park or other outing · Eat dinner · Play or bath-time · Bed-time 2. Make your daily routine/schedule VISUAL! Many children love predictability and benefit from SEEING what is happening next (especially children on the autism spectrum). · Depending on your child’s developmental level, you can create the schedule with words or simple pictures. 3. Be consistent with bed time! While there will be times when you may allow your kids to be up late for a special occasion, it is important to prioritize sleep and ensuring your child is having a consistent bed-time. Well-rested kids generally mean more comfortable and happy kids! 4. Talk to your child about an event or new outing before it happens. This is especially important for children that desire predictability or struggle with transitions/change. · You may want to talk about the event a day or two ahead, the day of, and in the hour prior to the event. · When talking about the event, you might consider explaining what will happen, who will be there, and talk through any related anxieties. 5. Point out the positive When you see your child doing something positive, pay attention to it! Point it out and say something about it. Example: “Thanks for putting your shoes on the first time I asked!” “Wow, you are being so kind to your brother!” · You could even start filling up a jar with pom-poms- once it’s full you could take your child to get ice cream or another desired activity! 6. Get your child outside! Going outside is great for helping your child burn energy. Try to find activities and places your child enjoys going. This might be the park, a pool, splashpad, beach, hiking, riding a bike, going for a walk, etc.! We hope you have found the tips in this article helpful. This information was provided by Board Certified Behaviour Analyst, Alisa Gagne. Alisa works at Pathways To Hope providing support to children and their families. For more information, or to book a complimentary consultation, call us at 519.751.0728 or email

Strategies to Promote Positive Behaviour in the Summer2024-09-12T11:48:27-04:00

Can sports injuries be prevented?

Your Content Goes Here Whether you are a weekend warrior or high performance athlete, sports injuries can happen in the blink of an eye. All of a sudden your season is ruined by a silly play or accident on the field or you are feeling sore after the game, and not sure if you should participate again soon. Although sports injuries are not 100% preventable, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of sports injuries happening, and ruining your season. Why Do Injuries Happen? Strengthening and conditioning your muscles and joints properly is the best way to prevent sports injuries. However, even the most conditioned athletes can still get injured. Sports injuries happen when the muscle or joint you are using is not prepared properly for the event or activity. Just like preparing for a big exam, you need to do your homework and perform the strength and conditioning exercises for the sport you are involved in. Each tissue in your body (muscles, bones, ligaments, etc) has a "breaking strength" and if your muscle or joint is moved beyond that point (twisting your ankle, etc) you end up injured. In some cases, it can be minor, such as a ligament sprain, but in other cases it can be catastrophic, such as a dislocation or complete tear. It all depends how far beyond the tissue's "breaking strength" the tissue is pushed. The good news is that you can increase the "breaking strength" of your body's muscles, joints and ligaments by performing proper exercises that train your body's tissues to remain strong even when they are in vulnerable positions. This type of training is known as Functional Range Conditioning, and is very effective at increasing the "breaking strength" of your muscles and joints so that you can withstand more impact and prevent injuries. It is a scientifically based program, performed by trained specialists that can take your athletic ability to the next level. Typically performed by Chiropractors, it is a system of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation that can fast track you back onto the field and provide you with ways to reduce injury risk in the future. 4 Things You Can Do To Prevent Injuries or Speed Recovery If You Are Already Injured: 1. See A Chiropractor Chiropractors are able to help with all kinds of aches and pains and if you are an athlete it should be part of a regular care regimen that helps maintain the health of your muscles and joints. A chiropractor trained in treating sports injuries, specifically someone who is trained in Functional Range Conditioning, would be the best professional to find and see on a regular basis. This will help increase the "breaking strength" of your tissues and if you do get injured, you will already have a professional you can trust to get you back to playing quickly. 2. Focus on your nutrition Our bodies are continually breaking down old cells and forming new ones in their [...]

Can sports injuries be prevented?2024-09-12T11:51:45-04:00

Nutrition and Mental Health

Your Content Goes Here Most of us know that the brain can affect the gut - even thinking about food can start the digestion process with creation of saliva and stomach acids, but did you know that the gut can also send messages to the brain? "The vagus nerve is the largest nerve in your whole body and it is the ‘highway’ that connects the brain to the gut and the gut to the brain. This is why gut health is extremely important for our emotional regulation, moods, and overall mental health." Over the last few decades doctors have deemed our gut as our second brain! It has over 500 million neurons that connect to your brain. Our gut also produces about 95% of your serotonin, which is the chemical that contributes to feelings of happiness. You Are What You Eat Your brain requires a constant supply of fuel. That fuel comes from the foods that we choose to eat and nourish our bodies with. Focusing on whole foods is your best option to have a healthy gut and excellent functioning brain. Foods that are beneficial for the gut -brain axis: ➢ Omega-3 Fats ○ Omega- 3 can help to increase good bacteria in the gut and reduce risk of brain disorders. ○ Found in oily fish like Salmon, Sardine, Atlantic mackerel, and Cod. ➢ Fermented Foods ○ Healthy microbes and good bacteria for gut health ○ Help to alter brain activity ○ Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, raw cheese, and kombucha ➢ High-Fiber Foods ○ Contain prebiotic fibers that are good for your gut bacteria ○ Nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables ➢ Polyphenol-Rich Foods ○ Increase healthy gut bacteria and may help to improve cognition. ○ Coca, green tea, olive oil, and coffee. ➢ Tryptophan- Rich Foods ○ Amino acid that is converted into serotonin (happy chemical) ○ Turkey, eggs, and cheese. Eating a well balanced diet that incorporates healthy fats, proteins, carbs, and fibre will help to keep your mind sharp and mood balanced. Here is a great recipe to try out! Brain Power Smoothie Ingredients - 2 cups blueberries - 1 cup pomegranate juice - 1 cup ice cubes - 1 Tbsp chia seeds - 1 ripe banana, peeled - Half of an avocado, peeled and pitted Instructions - Add all ingredients to a blender and pulse until combined and smooth. - TIP - too smooth - add more ice - TIP - too thick - add more juice (a little at a time) This blog was written by Holistic Nutritionist, Caitlin Schneider. For a complimentary consultation with Caitlin, feel free to reach out to either Brant Mental Health Solutions at 519.302.2300 or Pathways To Hope at 519.751.0728.

Nutrition and Mental Health2024-09-12T14:23:02-04:00

How can Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy help me stay healthy?

Your Content Goes Here We don’t often think about our health until something significant happens. This doesn’t have to be something extreme or drastic; it can even be a new or acute pain that begins to interfere with our daily lives, or that hits us out of the blue. We are busier than ever, often juggling more than one job, raising children, caring for family members and trying to keep up with the demands of daily life, meaning that taking care of ourselves can easily fall by the wayside. What does health mean to you? A lot of people find this hard to answer, but it is an important question to ask yourself. Once you know the answer to this, you can focus in on what is important to you and you can start making small achievable steps towards it. What are some preventative things that I can do for my health? We all know it’s important to eat well, get a good amount of sleep, exercise and so on, but there are other things that can be utilized for overall health and wellness. In this blog we will outline the benefits of chiropractic, physiotherapy and massage therapy when it comes to maintaining our health. Chiropractic Chiropractic can prevent and slow down the degeneration of our joints. Joint degeneration is something that affects all of us, especially as we age. Accidents and injury also accelerate the degeneration process. Joints in our spines can become "stuck" or "out of alignment" leading to dysfunction. Any dysfunction in the joint speeds up degeneration as the joint is not able to move properly. This causes nerve irritation, leading to pain, shooting pains, pins and needles and other numbness/tingling. Final thoughts about Chiropractic Chiropractic allows our nervous system to function optimally and given that our nervous system is the “fuse box” to our body, it plays a vital role in our overall health and wellbeing. The same way our cars need regular maintenance, so do our spine and joints to prevent things from “breaking down”. For children who have fragile nervous systems, it can be extremely beneficial for them to be adjusted too. When their nervous system is agitated it can cause symptoms such as colic and digestive issues, sleep issues and more. For more information about children and chiropractic, check out our previous blog here: Physiotherapy People typically seek out physiotherapy after a significant injury, or after multiple smaller injuries that they have tried to treat at home with pain medications, stretching and ice and/or heat. Whilst physiotherapists are trained to help with rehabilitation after injury, they can also help you maintain proper function of your joints through exercises, and hands on muscle treatments. Final thoughts about physiotherapy Minor injuries that are ignored can lead to issues with your joints and muscular health, so it’s good to seek the advice of a physiotherapist if you are concerned about your overall joint and muscle health. Massage Therapy We all hold [...]

How can Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy help me stay healthy?2024-09-12T14:26:07-04:00

ASD, sensory processing and nutrition

Your Content Goes Here Many children with ASD, (up to 85%), struggle with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). This can make eating an extremely difficult and overwhelming task for both the child and their caregiver(s). Eating is one of the most sensory-rich experiences, it can be over stimulating for kids with ASD and/or SPD. What are some ways to help children with ASD cope while eating? 1. Notice patterns in the current foods they love and start to introduce foods with similar textures, flavours, shapes, colours, and/or tastes. 2. Start where they are comfortable and take it slow. Not just eating is a win but also smelling, touching, playing, chewing, and spitting out, are all wins! What to do if your child is struggling to try new foods: 1. Stay calm a. Many children need to taste food more than a dozen times before they are willing to eat it without issue, children with ASD may take longer. b. Be patient as your child explores new foods. If they still reject it after a dozen-plus time, maybe they don’t like it. c. Get creative! 2. Take steps toward tasting a. Help your child explore a new food by looking at it touching it, and smelling it. b. When they are ready for a taste, they can try and ‘kiss’ or lick the food. c. Mixing new foods with their favourites may also be an idea. 3. Tune into textures a. It may not be the taste of the food but instead the texture. Whether it is how it feels in their mouth, in the hands, etc. b. Try chopping or blending the foods in question. (For example, tomato can be blended into sauce or a salsa.) 4. Play with a new food a. Most times we do not want our children playing with their food but this is a great way for children with ASD to build familiarity and decrease mealtime anxiety with new food. Some examples could be; to paint with pasta sauce, make faces with veggies on pizza, and use cookie cutters to cut sandwiches into fun shapes. Make sure your child sees you tasting and eating the food too. 5. Offer choices and control a. Your child may need to feel some control over what they are putting in their mouths. b. Offer broad variety and allow choices with the categories you care about. c. Remember, it is ok that they don't like some foods. If you are considered about feeding and nutrition for your child, make sure to discuss it with your family doctor, or pediatrician, they may be able to offer suggestions, or make an appropriate referral to a dietician and/or nutritionist. Your medical doctor will also be able to assess if there are any concerning or significant deficiencies that need to be addressed. This blog is not designed to replace seeking the advice of a healthcare professional. If you would like to set up a consultation with our holistic nutritionist, contact us at or call 519.751.0728. [...]

ASD, sensory processing and nutrition2024-09-12T14:29:33-04:00