Mental Health and Sleep
Why do we Need Sleep?
Sleep helps us to restore not only our physical bodies but our brains as well. We need the right amount and quality of sleep for sleep to be effective. These sleep requirements are different for everyone. It is thought that good quality sleep means that that person’s body has spent enough time in each stage of sleep.
Poor sleep may result in:
- Fatigue,
- Sleepiness,
- Poor concentration,
- Memory challenges,
- Mood changes such as irritability.
All of the symptoms above often will result in poor mental health. Anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts can be affected by poor sleep. Symptoms of mental health challenges are often exacerbated too.
Sleep Hygiene
- Start by recording the time you go to bed and how long it takes you to fall asleep and the time you wake up and get out of bed in a sleep journal.
- Be consistent with your schedule ie got bed and wake up at the same time each day
- Set a thirty minute limit to fall asleep and get up in the morning
- Establish a bed time routine
- Limit blue screen time before bed
- Use your bed for sleeping and sex only
- Monitor room temperature
- Limit light in your bedroom when sleeping
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed
- Exercise regularly
- Avoid napes during the day
If you are struggling with your sleep, see your family doctor and consider reaching out to a
mental health professional for support.
This content was provided by RSW Izzy Lewis. Izzy provides individual support to adults, for more information about Izzy, check out our team page