What does behaviour therapy look like at Pathways To Hope?

In behaviour therapy at our office, we most commonly offer a 1:1 format (one child with one instructor). When appropriate (e.g. social skills focus), we may also offer a small group session (2 or more children with one instructor).

Session Structure: 

Sessions might be:

  1. Play-based and child-led, meaning we try to find what the child is interested in and imbed goals into play.
  2. Structured, where learning is often completed at the table (e.g. working on academic goals).
  3. Sessions may look like a mix of the two and will be individualized based on your child’s needs.

Regardless of the format, our goal is to ensure your child feels safe, relaxed and happy throughout the session, where they want to participate.

Areas we can work on:

  1. Language and communication: involves understanding using language and non-verbal cues. Examples of areas of focus: expanding vocal communication (requesting, labelling, conversation), picture exchange communication system (PECS), responding to instructions, visual performance (puzzles, sorting, etc.)
  2. Social behaviour and play: this includes skills necessary for participating in social situations, activities and interactions with others. Examples of areas of focus: turn taking, tolerating others’ choices, waiting (delayed gratification), interactive play, making friendships)
  3. Group Instruction: Involves sitting appropriately, attending to the teacher and others, following instructions, taking turns, raising hand, and learning new skills.
  4. School Readiness: The pre-requisite skills required to be successful in the school setting such as activities of daily living, following routines, and independent work.
  5. Activities of Daily Living: Involves completion of daily tasks and routines, such as getting dressed, toileting, tying shoes, brushing hair and teeth, etc.
  6. Decreasing challenging behaviour: involves decreasing behaviour that is harmful or unsafe to the client or others. For example, we will not target stimming unless it is harming the client/others. An example of behaviour we might target for decrease might include hitting others or insulting others. We will usually do this by teaching a new skill so the client doesn’t have the need to engage in harmful behaviour any longer.
  7. Diet Expansion: we may be able to help your child with expanding their repertoire of foods eaten (medical reasons needs to ruled out first).
  8. Self-Advocacy and Safety: including advocating for what one needs and wants, understanding social boundaries, internet safety, road safety, etc.

At Pathways To Hope we have two Registered Behaviour Analysts and two Supervised Behaviour Therapists. All of our behavioural team practice from a trauma informed perspective and work to make sure that behavioural sessions are fun and engaging. For more information or to join our waitlist, contact us at 519.302.2300 or email pathwaystohopebrant@gmail.com.