World Spine Day

October 16th marks World Spine Day, an annual event recognized as the largest public health initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the global burden of spinal pain and disability.

As a chiropractor, I have dedicated my career to helping people manage pain whilst also educating people on how to maintain the health of their spine. The good news is that there are many things we can do from a young age to ensure our spine remains healthy and strong throughout our life.

Here are my three top tips for maintaining the health of your spine:

  1. Stay Active
    It is true that sitting is the new smoking.  The majority of society is quite sedentary, especially because many of us have desk jobs.  In order for any joint in your body to stay healthy, it needs to be moved through its full range of motion on a regular basis.  This is especially true of the spine, so when people stay sedentary, their spines lose range of motion and begin to deteriorate early on in life ( usually in their 30s or 40s).  Regular activity is the best antidote for this, and all it takes is 20 – 30 minutes per day of simple stretches, yoga, pilates or swimming.  Even something as simple as walking is great exercise for the low back as long as you walk at a brisk pace with your arms swinging freely.
  2. Keep Good Posture
    The effects of bad posture can range from low back and disc problems to mid back stiffness and headaches.  Neck stiffness and pain are often related to bad posture too, and can become chronic if posture is not corrected.  This is especially important if you work at a desk. Setting up your workstation so that you can look straight ahead at your screen and so that your arms and shoulders can be relaxed as you type on your keyboard are two key factors in preventing bad posture.  It is also important to have a good chair with proper lumbar support.  Most importantly, try to stand up and move around every so often while at work, or even introduce a standing desk into your workstation. I also recently wrote this blog about caring for your spine if your job involved a lot of desk work: 
  3. See a Chiropractor
    It goes without saying that everyone should see a chiropractor if they are serious about maintaining the health of their spine and preventing problems from arising. Chiropractors are trained to detect and correct joint, muscle and nerve problems so that your spine can move the way it was intended to.  They can also work with their patients and instruct them on what exercises to perform and also which exercises to avoid.  Getting adjusted by a chiropractor usually takes 10 minutes or less and is a crucial part of maintaining your spine health and preventing it from deteriorating. It is important to find a chiropractor who will check your spine thoroughly before adjusting you for the first time and who will use a technique you are comfortable with.  There are many chiropractic techniques used these days that do not involve any twisting or cracking, making the experience comfortable for almost anyone.

I hope you found this article helpful, if you are worried about the health of your spine, or  someone you know, feel free to reach out to our office and schedule a free consultation. I would be happy to discuss your unique needs and how chiropractic could help you.